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 Lights pulsations

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Jeune RBien
Jeune RBien

Messages : 33
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2024

Lights pulsations Empty
MessageSujet: Lights pulsations   Lights pulsations EmptyJeu 4 Juil 2024 - 0:31

Well done,
I'd to speak me,
Summer is here,
And every runs here,
I gonna enjoy it,
I gonna enjoy all,
Making sport, be better,
Or just chill at home,
I will have so good,
Stay away from me,
To give me other lives,
In a kind of grace,
Probably we are in,
For all others,
They say, they think,
That's we don't skeep,
To taking our lifes,
Keep away from me,
I'm fucking gulty,
The other time,
I'd just escape you,
You said bullshit so much,
You'd just forget you,
My way is own,
My life too,
I'm not stupid positive,
I'm seeing beauty partout,
People's make crimes,
'Cause they're to much knowing this,
So you'll say i will be one,
I'll say,
Dear people,
The difference beetwin me and them,
Is since the beginning,
They're know life is pure,
Like me,
But not enjoying,
Keep my life on,
I will be subtil,
For other ones,
Don't pretend bring,
I'm a bringer, i'm playing for all,
I'm a brilliant, i'm leeking subtile,
I'm evoluant, i don't believe Nazi's,
I'm great, cool and performant,
I don't want to staying stupid,
My evolution is constitutionnal,
It's so deeping,
You want me trading out this world,
But you haven't got no style,
Please taking away,
I will be not patient,
I will be ok,
And that's all gratifiant !

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Lights pulsations

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