I ask if the definition of rap as the asshole you can not give, because immediately on the google and typed définiton you go you'll find more, I'll burn the bastards, no one can save you,at least rap is what you know, you know the words to copy, one begins to westcoast Call Budy, waiting to speak with msn you tried to connect on ebudy! Anyway in the report we see stupid, they call me didi! you have chosen suffering and I am against violence and mistrust, the company rejected it because your not there your love, many strong people without knowing me they want to judge me, this fucking cop in jail they want to throw me, attention is going to charge me a thief, rapist, thug! when I start talking on the phone you start to listen, as if their secret It I'll rock, rap I can not let go! in prison I started rapping, they everyone starts looking at me to finish it my said: divadam your music jaimerais love for me is that 2 nd time you can sing!