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 Rocca- Lay Low ( UE Undergrounds)

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Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2007

Rocca- Lay Low ( UE Undergrounds) Empty
MessageSujet: Rocca- Lay Low ( UE Undergrounds)   Rocca- Lay Low ( UE Undergrounds) EmptyVen 1 Juin 2007 - 11:07

Word up France! Hola from Copenhagen! Peace. One love!

Lay low… Bitch, lay low… lay low!!!

Yo crusin down the street in yo 59’ Chevy , colour of cherry,
Rockin the steady with yo westcoast gangsta shit outta yo stereo
Knockin all the wangstaz off, killing a bitch fo yo dope
Yo carry 34’ Glock in yo pocket, money on the lock,
Yo’ve got a round ass bitch to fuck,, yo r first man on yo block!
Yo live this life to the max, no matter how much time it will last
Boi don’t try to fuck with law, fishy lay low! Lay low!
Coz it takes a moment to nail yo sorry ass to the floor
How many niggaz has died this way- 10 years in the jail ,
1 day since he was locked out and his body was found dead!
This is the point of no return man, it’s like driving on the opposite lain!
So many took a chance, but motha fuckas has payed the ultimate price!
Rocca- Lay Low ( UE Undergrounds) 2gun
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Rocca- Lay Low ( UE Undergrounds)

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