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 Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius

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Laryn's du 91
RBien habitué
RBien habitué
Laryn's du 91

Messages : 1135
Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius Empty
MessageSujet: Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius   Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius EmptyJeu 16 Nov 2006 - 5:38

Black hair black heat i'm black yeah it's a great. Laryn's the name rims flame i came same thang none change i fuck the beat you know i'm not a lock but the best.When you see me you think i'm peace maybe but i rap like a beast baby.Belive me hate me like me when i'm here clap me I RAP MAN I'M VIOLENT A BIG SLAP
Laryn's take this or take that
New shit future track
Style so sick
In two hours i make a classic Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius Boxeur
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Mc Rimé
RBien habitué
RBien habitué
Mc Rimé

Messages : 724
Age : 42
Groupe : 22
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2006

Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius   Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius EmptyJeu 16 Nov 2006 - 18:53

Damn, Who's the fuck are u? Named, like u suck into...
Into the Rap game, u're a bitch, i'm a king, remember my name
U put ur style to shame, at the beach or on a ring, i kill u same
Stop crying slut, u're trying but...u ain't got no talent
U're like a ghost, in a motherfucking house that you haunt
Forget the rap, u're to small on her map, try pill and tell me what u feel
Good bye, hood guy, mood cries...she said :"I don't fit u, stop lies!!!"
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Laryn's du 91
RBien habitué
RBien habitué
Laryn's du 91

Messages : 1135
Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius   Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius EmptyJeu 16 Nov 2006 - 19:40

Marius a.k.a Laryn's from 91 do my rap lesson take that listen the beat with my rims look at this without be grim My rap weight many kilos Homie you know.
You know me i just came is trust damn.
I'm so good but not rap for longs years
but when i'm here you say yeah!
You know the level i'm a devil
I'm here so start to give me the money cash
I merit one thing i rap in american and
i'm not one thing like Amerie sing.My rap shining like 9 blings
Bing Bing
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Mc Rimé
RBien habitué
RBien habitué
Mc Rimé

Messages : 724
Age : 42
Groupe : 22
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2006

Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius   Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius EmptyJeu 16 Nov 2006 - 20:11

What up bro? Make some rime, or let it go
My style's pro, I'm fine, and kill u Ohhh !!!
Do ur thing in a cellar, ur rap is in a grave
U can't sing popular, coz the best i have
Under my pencil u dead, just read my rimes
Bullets' shower in ur head, must be ur biggest ride
I killed u twice, Rimé in ur face
I am not nice, like on a bass

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Laryn's du 91
RBien habitué
RBien habitué
Laryn's du 91

Messages : 1135
Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius   Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius EmptyJeu 16 Nov 2006 - 20:46

I got rims of fantasy like Jay-z
I fuck you up and win the cup
Marius is a Genius like Papoose
Man i can't loose what the fuck
Is not a news read mt rims
And must be curious where you're at
You don't here like my chorus
You're nothing one thing
Touch me but i'm stunting
I'm your teacher you're my student
In one week i will be platinium
You wish for i no rap and talk this at you're mom
My style is so sick you see
Have you got a dick or a pussy?
I'm black of eighteen years i'm a crack
Rap attention for your ears
I'm back man you see me and say yeah
You see me with my black heat black eye
You're stupid like Timmy see my track for dead guy
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Laryn's du 91
RBien habitué
RBien habitué
Laryn's du 91

Messages : 1135
Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius   Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius EmptyJeu 16 Nov 2006 - 21:34

I don't talk of honey but money
I'm here for you it's not funny.
Don't clash me get tha t money
I'm from 9.1 not Californie
You're the best it's what you say for me
Cause you like me but i hate you
Psycho throw out your mic is will be great for you
Stay in your fucking 22 man
Cause my rap is the same like many crews
And i'm solo like you right
Keep the control oh my rims remove your tight
Boy go work you're rims i'm so strong you loose
Boy i walk with my new tim's and you with your old shoes
My style break you and you know that
still the best still marks breack you neck
And my high tech is synonymous of the end for you
You know my name Marius be careful
Man i can't loose what the fuck is not a news.
You're born in 1982 me in 1987 ok
You're not into and you know my rims fall of a heaven
Rush out or accept i'm a motherfucking rimor
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Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius   Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius EmptyJeu 16 Nov 2006 - 21:47

The dog is happy
Yeah the dog is very happy
because he was happy
is surname is "papy"

Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius 357445
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Dream Dogg

Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius Barrej10
Dream Dogg

Messages : 5799
Age : 32
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2006

Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius   Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius EmptyJeu 16 Nov 2006 - 22:06

Faites un rap Us à l'audio, j'kiff le rap ricain :D
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Mc Rimé
RBien habitué
RBien habitué
Mc Rimé

Messages : 724
Age : 42
Groupe : 22
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2006

Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius   Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius EmptyJeu 16 Nov 2006 - 22:18

Ah, ah, dirty slup, shut ur mouth u must grow up
U think u're a Tupac, coz u're black? But i fuck u back
All i see is the color of ur blood, red like ur fucking hood
Don't shock, i won't put my glock, listen to the clock...
Tic, tac, ding... clic, clac, bang!!!!
Time to dead homie, find ur bed, sorry
U'll need clinic aid, in rimes i was made
Don't worry fake Mc, i will break ur fantasy
"Hey, yo, i'm a motherfucking Black rapper"
Hey oh, u're just a fucking 'backwater
Trying to write, working at night? Stop, that shit is wack
I kick ur ass in the dark, my prime rimes kill u every time
Stop rapping and start writing lines in the news of a camping
U're a Method Man spoof, u'll never prove u could ever be a Big Proof
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Laryn's du 91
RBien habitué
RBien habitué
Laryn's du 91

Messages : 1135
Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius   Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius EmptyJeu 16 Nov 2006 - 23:00

You're a clown i'm in the battle
You're down so go work for will be better
Mc Rimé 24 yeras old I fuck you up bitch
I'm a rimor Yess sir I got book rims in my head read to teach
You're poor nearly dead I'm rich and nice you'r not hardcore
I hurt you and you have a dressing like Nelly MAN You're never be glorious like Marius
Look your photo:Pistol and balls hin?
You're a fucking gangster no
I talk you bad text author Wrong Gangsta you're called hin
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Mc Rimé
RBien habitué
RBien habitué
Mc Rimé

Messages : 724
Age : 42
Groupe : 22
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2006

Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius   Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius EmptyJeu 16 Nov 2006 - 23:42

Sorry bitch u can't understand anything
A symbol, a pistol, the bullets are the words
Stop flying dawg, u're just dying in my world
Get the fuck out of my planet, i'm nuts, u suck so much
Look at ur cap, u never went in New York, don't u? U're sick?
Did u ever went in Harlem? Talk about art but u're strange of it
U wanna look like them? Americans rappers?
Oh, man, please, go away from her
Music is not ur destiny
Ur sounds will never be a hit story
My style for you will be in history
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Laryn's du 91
RBien habitué
RBien habitué
Laryn's du 91

Messages : 1135
Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2006

Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius   Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius EmptyVen 17 Nov 2006 - 1:15

Mc Rimé don't rap in solo
Call a team man for my way you follow
I'm your hero you're a zero
My level of rap is to far to hard for you no!
Get your ass bitch I'm Meth
You're a fucking fish in the sea is you're death
Sucker of all but often of my dick
Like in soccer you're none i mark with a free kick
My style is sick and you are ill of that
B-Real like Cypress Hill rapper i kill you not
You take the stairs and me the elevator
Fake fake peolple say on the hair here you're a visitor
Get out get out get out of here like Busta Boss
i'm the greatest greatest greatest on the mic you lost again
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Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius   Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius Empty

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Rap en américain I can't loose what the f*** is Marius

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